The TEGAM Models 122 and 125 Voltman Safety Voltmeters are the only fully automatic single switch handheld digital voltmeters that will not give you a false reading when induced voltages are present.
The original Votlman was designed to provide the electric utility industry with a safe and efficient troubleshooting tool for the meter electrician, and has become a valuable tool in many other industrial applications.
Features- Eliminates False Readings when Induced Voltage is Present
- Single-switch, Single-range, AC/DC Measurement to 750 V
- Automatic Continuity Tester
- TRMS (125 only)
- Backlit Display, and Audible Continuity and Voltage Present Tones (122 only)
- Dual-probe Holder with Positive Lock Probe Extension for Safe, Easy Two-handed Operation
- Safety and Productivity